The Malaysian Langsuyar

Similar to the Sundel Bolong of Indonesia, the Langsuyar, which is found in both Malaysian and Indonesian cultures, is a woman who died as a result of childbirth. The legend tells of a beautiful woman who was so shocked at having delivered a stillborn baby that she died instantly upon hearing the news. After this death she turns into an evil spirit. She becomes in her afterlife a nocturnal figure much like a vampire in some cases. She is said to roost in the trees and attack children, sucking their blood using a special hole in her neck. In some legends, it's said that she turns into an owl, and she will haunt and attack pregnant women, disemboweling them out of spite and jealousy since she lost her own life and child. Some telling actually say the Langsuyar can go on living and often pass as a normal woman, getting married and having "elfin" children after she turns in to a Langsuyar, but that she will go on afterwards regardless sucking the blood of other people...